Every Day Baby Waits For Dad To Come Home And Gives Him A Big Hug

There are so many mundane moments that are extremely special to pay close attention to in life. In this video, we see that every day, the baby waits for his dad to come home and gives him a big hug.


This video is worth watching on repeat. Unknown to the sweet mom, her baby was waiting by the door at the same time each day. It took her a while, but then she realized that her child was waiting in anticipation for his dad to come home.

As the man opens the door to his truck the child begins to give large claps in excitement. As his father gets out of the truck, he opens up his arms wide towards his child. The young boy proceeds to run up to his father and is scooped up in his arms. The dad holds his baby high and celebrates returning home. This father and son relationship is so endearing to watch.


This video reminds me of the story of the prodigal son in Scripture. Even though the son had rebelled against his dad and left home, he returned and the father ran to his son to embrace him. Our God loves us so much that He too welcomes us with open arms by the sacrifice of Jesus. As we watch this video we can remember how much our Heavenly Father loves us as His own children. He cares for us just like this Dad lovingly greets his young child.

“And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him

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