This mom is giving birth to twins for the fifth time straight, and girls again. How the babies are growing up

The oldest of Nadine Robertson’s five children, Isla, is only four years old. Robertson, 24, currently has five children under the age of five.   On the same day as their older sister, twins Olivia and Ivy were born in 2018, while babies Cody and Hazel were just born ten weeks ago. Naturally carrying both … Read more

15-Yr-Old Gives “New Twist” to a 1965 Classic and Becomes an “Instant Pop Star”

Take a moment to watch the captivating performance in the video embedded below, where James Smith, a contestant on Britain’s Got Talent, delivers a stunning rendition of the classic song “Feelin’ Good”. His performance has been described as watching a “pop star in the making”, and it’s not hard to see why. Smith’s unique voice … Read more