Baby’s fast asleep but when dad puts on her favorite song it takes a hilarious turn

Kids can make you smile no matter what they do.


Whether they’re singing, telling little jokes, or simply being their curious selves – these delightful moments can turn any gloomy day around.
There’s one video on the internet that is so adorable, it makes you laugh no matter how many times you’ve seen it.


The video opens with an adorable baby, peacefully asleep in her vibrant pink car seat.
Her toddler sister sits next to her in the back seat, while a song plays softly on the radio.

The baby, oblivious to the music, continues to snooze.

But you know that feeling when you just have to dance?
Like, if you’re at a wedding and your favorite song comes on – sometimes there’s just no stopping you from letting loose.

Apparently, the baby, whose name is Amaya, gets that feeling too when it comes to one song in particular.

Can you guess what it is?

The family decides to crank up Amaya’s favorite song.
Suddenly, a playful glint appears in the sister’s eyes.

She glances at their off-camera father, and then, as if on cue, the familiar techno beat of “Gangnam Style” fills the car.

There are a lot of people who can’t resist dancing along to “Gangnam Style,” but this takes the cake.

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