Dad Posts Note On Receipt From Cop That Left His 7-Month-Pregnant Daughter In Tears

The internet is full of bad stories and disappointing news. It is impossible to not see scandalous headlines or bylines that cause fright and frustration. On the other hand, the internet also attracts plenty of good news.

When someone has a positive experience, they often turn to social media in order to share it. Sharing these positive experiences has the potential to change someone’s mood.


These good stories can also inspire other people to take positive actions on behalf of others.
A very pregnant waitress was working at a diner in order to save money for expenses for her baby. Working as a food server is not the easiest job to do.

Food servers are on their feet for hours at a time. They earn a low wage. Some customers might stiff them on tips. They also have to deal with irate customers who are less than polite in their interactions. This woman had a pleasant experience on one of her shifts, and she decided to share it with her father.

When the woman saw what happened, she sent her dad a photo of the receipt. Her dad was so moved that he decided to write about it and share the story on social media. From there, this story took off and attracted a great deal of positive attention.

In a time when most news seems like bad news, these “feel good” stories may be just what people need.

Food servers work hard. They are on their feet all day. Police officers also work hard. They get a lot of flack. One bit of bad police officer behavior often spoils the public’s perception of all police officers.

The woman’s dad wanted to share this story in order to present a side of police officers that the public does not often get to see.
As a regular patron of the Lamp Post Diner in Clementon, New Jersey, one police officer is known for his quietness and polite behavior. The restaurant manager knows him well and describes him as a gentleman who orders a simple meal, quietly enjoys it, pays his bill and goes on his way.

On one day, the officer ordered a salad. He overheard the waitress telling the customers at the neighboring table that she was seven months pregnant with her first child. When the police officer received his bill, he wrote a note on it to the waitress.

The note told her to enjoy motherhood and that she would never forget her firstborn child and the experience of becoming a mother. He left a $100 tip on the $8.75 bill.

This type of act of kindness is something that the expectant mom is likely to remember for a lifetime. It is also the type of act that inspires others to pay it forward or do something similar. When someone reads about this act of generosity, it makes them feel good.

It may even motivate them to generate their own act of kindness in the community. Chances are good that this food server will remember the police officer’s act of kindness throughout her lifetime.

“What a wonderful person to not only leave a VERY generous tip, but a lovely message, I don’t know you Mr. Police Officer, but you made my little girl cry, and made her year,” Brian Cadigan said in his Facebook post.
Food servers and others in the service industry are often berated for their menial work. At best, most people tend to ignore them.

This police officer recognized the woman’s hard work and showed humanity in his kind action. By leaving the personal note on his receipt, the police officer showed the food server that he saw her and recognized her efforts.

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